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Display dynamic content using this multi-box layouting tool. Repeaters on Editor X are built using flexbox technology, so your layout automatically adjusts to every screen size. An ideal use case could be a team page where you display unique profiles with uniform styling.

Adding a Repeater

To add a Repeater, choose from the selection of Repeaters available in the Add panel under Layout tools and drag one onto the canvas.

Inside the Editor X workspace, the Add panel is open. Layout Tools are selected, then Layouters, showing a range of preset options ready to drag onto the canvas.

Choosing a display type

To choose your preferred Repeater layout, select the Repeater and, from the floating action bar or the Inspector panel, choose an option from the Display type dropdown. You’ll see options for Cards, List, Slider and Grid Cells. You can also make a different layout choice for each breakpoint.

A blank Layouter is on the canvas and there is a dropdown menu showing different display types. The Slides option is highlighted

Managing items

In the Inspector panel, click on the 3 dots next to Manage items to enter the Manage items panel. From there you can add, duplicate, rename and delete items.

In the Inspector panel, the cursor is selecting Left to Right as the direction of choice

Customizing items

If you add or remove elements or make any design, position or layout changes to one Repeater item, these will affect all the other items in the Repeater. You can display multiple different elements in each Repeater item by adding them to one item from the Add panel. You can also adjust the grid of one item, which will affect each item.

In the Inspector panel, the number 1 has been typed in the field controlling how many items are in view at once

Populating your Repeater

You can populate a Repeater by manually adding data to each item, or you can sync data with the Repeater behind the scenes using the built-in Editor X CMS.

In the Inspector panel, the Navigation dropdown is open, showing the option to add Arrows, Buttons or Text


Applying hover interactions to Repeater items


Applying hover interactions to Repeater items







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